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Sizes & Prices

How to See Our Sizes & Prices

All of our sizes and prices are listed on the website. On each different product page there is a selector list of the sizes offered. Once you select the size you want, the price displayed will update to the chosen option.

Product Pricing

All prices are in CAD. Right from the get-go we decided our prices should be up front and centre because we know we have great prices. From any product page, simply scroll down to the pricing area, where we have a convenient drop-down menu for all of

Understanding Aspect Ratio

The term "aspect ratio" simply indicates the proportion of an image's rectangle, illustrating the relationship between its width and height. This ratio can vary greatly, ranging from long, slender panoramic shapes to short, wide rectangles, and even

Custom Sizes

At this time, we do not offer custom sizing. The available size options will be listed on each product page.  Size options available may vary by product.