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How do I choose a good image to print?Updated 7 months ago

When you want to make a big print of a photo, there are a few things you should check first. First of all, make sure you're using the original version of the photo. This will be the biggest version of your photo you can get, usually straight from your camera or phone. When you share pictures through email, texts, or on social media, they get smaller and don't look as good when you try to enlarge them. These smaller (or compressed) image files can end up blurry or not clear when printed large.

After you've got the big version of your photo, take a close look at it. You're checking for things that might not look right when the photo is enlarged and printed. It's not just about how big the file is or how many pixels are in the picture; you also need to look at whether it's in focus, if it's bright enough, and if the colors stand out from each other. If a picture is blurry, it might look okay small, but when you print it, it won't look sharp. A good way to check is to zoom in on the picture on your screen. If it looks fuzzy or the edges aren't clear, you might want to pick a different photo or think about a smaller size. For brightness and colors, try squinting at the picture. Can you still see the main parts of the picture clearly? If yes, then it's probably a good photo to enlarge.

But there's more to picking a good photo than just these things. If you're not sure about your photo or need some help, you can always email us. Our photo experts are here to help you pick the best photo for your big print.

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