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Is my image being cropped?Updated 7 months ago

You might need to crop your photo because its shape, or aspect ratio, is different from the print size you've selected. For a deeper dive into aspect ratios, please check out our article Understanding Aspect Ratio in the Help Centre.

Essentially, you'll have to adjust your photo to fit the aspect ratio of the print size you want. This can mean cropping your photo to fit the new dimensions, or choosing a print size that already matches your photo's aspect ratio.

Cropping is done in our editing tool after you upload your photo. To see if your photo is being cropped, move it around in the preview window. If the photo shifts within the frame without zooming, it means parts of your photo will be cropped out. You can adjust the crop to your liking by repositioning your photo in the frame, or you can opt for a different print size that aligns better with your photo's aspect ratio.

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