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Will my photo look exactly the same as it does on my screen?Updated 7 months ago

Making sure the colours in your photo look great is something we care about a lot. But it's key to know that the colours you see on your screen may not be an exact match to what you get on our Nice Photo products. If getting the colours just right is super important to you, we recommend trying out a small test print order first. This way, you can see if you like the colours on a small print or a few prints before you go big. But we can't redo prints just to get the colours to match your screen perfectly.

Getting colours from screen to print is pretty complicated. We've worked hard to make our printing as colour-accurate as possible. Still, because we're printing from the internet, we can't guarantee a perfect match with your screen. This is because of how we have to change your photo's colours from RGB (screen colours) to CMYK (print colours), and also because different printers and papers can show colours a bit differently. For the closest colour match, try printing on our Satin or Deep Matte Paper.

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